



Tenure-Track association professor/Principal Investigator

Department of Plant Science


Office: Room525, Building B,

Address: School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong

University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minghang, 200240, Shanghai, China




>> Employment

2019- , Associate Professor in School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2017.6 - 2019.5 Postdoc fellow, Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State

University (Supervisor: Ye Xia), USA

2012.12 - 2017.5 Postdoc fellow (Visiting Scholar), Department of Plant Pathology,

The Ohio State University (Supervisor: Guo-Liang Wang), USA

2012.7 - 2015.7 Postdoc fellow, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of

Agricultural Sciences (Supervisor: Guo-Liang Wang), China



2004.9 - 2011.12, Ph.D. in Developmental Biology, Institute of Genetics and

Developmental Biology (IGDB), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2000.9 - 2004.6, B.S. in Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University, China



1. Start-up Fund from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2019.9-2022.12)

2. Shanghai Natural Science Foundation (2021.7-2024.6)

3. Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center of Agri-Seeds Grant (2021.8-2024.7)

4. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Agri-X program (2020.1-2022.12)


>>Research interests

Plants live in an ecosystem with massive microorganisms (beneficial, harmful, or neutral). During the life cycle, plants are attacked by many kinds of harmful ones, or pathogens. Plants rely on innate immunity to defense against pathogens. Upon infection, the immune system of plants is activated to suppress infection. The activation must be precise, spatially and temporally. Mis- or over-activation of the immune system is detrimental. Thus, the activation of plant immune response must be braked. Our research focus on how can plant deal with the stop of immune activation. The two topics of our research are:

  1. The negative regulation of plant innate immunity
  2. Rice-blast fungus interaction


>>Publications (*co-first author)

  1. Wang G, Zhao Z, Zheng X, Shan W, Fan J. (2022) How a single receptor-like kinase exerts diverse roles: Lessons from FERONIA. Molecular Horticulture (accepted)
  2. Wang, Y., An, Z., Zhao, Z., Li, C.#, Fan, J#. (2022) Real-Time Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Immune Response in Rice with a Chemiluminescence Assay. J. Vis. Exp. e64776, (In-press).
  3. Zhao Z, Fan J*, Gao YG, Wang Z, Yang P, Liang Y, Opiyo S, Xia Y. (2022) Arabidopsis Plasma Membrane ATPase AHA5 Is Negatively Involved in PAMP-Triggered Immunity. Int J Mol Sci. 23(7):3857.
  4. Zhao Z, Fan J, Yang P, Wang Z, Opiyo SO, Mackey D, Xia Y. (2022) Involvement of Arabidopsis Acyl Carrier Protein 1 in PAMP-Triggered Immunity. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 35(8):681-693.
  5. Zhao Z, Yang X, Lü S, Fan J, Opiyo S, Yang P, Mangold J, Mackey D, Xia Y. (2020) Deciphering the Novel Role of AtMIN7 in Cuticle Formation and Defense against the Bacterial Pathogen Infection. Int J Mol Sci. 21(15):5547.
  6. Zhang C, Fang H, Shi X, He F, Wang R, Fan J, Bai P, Wang J, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Zhou X, Wang GL, Ning Y. (2020) A fungal effector and a rice NLR protein have antagonistic effects on a Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor. Plant Biotechnol J. 18(11):2354-2363.
  7. Fan J, Xia Y and Wang GL. (2019) An improved heteroduplex analysis for rapid genotyping of SNPs and single base pair indels. BioTechniques, 67:6-10.
  8. Fan J, Bai P, Ning Y, Wang J, Shi X, Xiong Y, Zhang K, He F, Zhang C, Wang R, Meng X, Zhou J, Wang M, Shirsekar G, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Liu W, Jeon JS, Xia Y, Shan L, Wang GL. (2018) The Monocot-Specific Receptor-like Kinase SDS2 Controls Cell Death and Immunity in Rice. Cell Host & Microbe. 23:498-510.
  9. Liu W*, Fan J*, Li J, Song Y, Li Q, Zhang Y and Xue Y. (2014) SCFSLF-mediated cytosolic degradation of S-RNase is required for cross-pollen compatibility in S-RNase- based self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Frontiers in Genetics. 5:228.
  10. Wang J, Wang S, Hu K, Yang J, Xin X, Zhou W, Fan J, Cui F, Mou B, Zhang S, Wang G, Sun W. (2018) The Kinase OsCPK4 Regulates a Buffering Mechanism That Fine-Tunes Innate Immunity. Plant Physiol, 176(2):1835-1849.
  11. Zhao H, Wang X, Jia Y, Minkenberg B, Wheatley M, Fan J, Jia M, Famoso A, Edwards J, Wamishe Y, Valent B, Wang GL, Yang Y. (2018) The Rice Blast Resistance Gene Ptr Encodes an Atypcial Protein and Required for Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance. Nature Communications, 9: 2039.
  12. Wang R, Ning Y, Shi X, He F, Zhang C, Fan J, Jiang N, Zhang Y, Zhang T, Hu Y, Bellizzi M, and Wang GL. (2016) Immunity to Rice Blast Disease by Suppression of Effector-Triggered Necrosis. Current Biology. 26(18):2399-2411.
  13. Li J, Zhang Y, Song Y, Zhang H, Fan J, Li Q, Zhang D, Xue Y. (2016) Electrostatic potentials of the S-locus F-box proteins contribute to the pollen S specificity in self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Plant J. 89(1):45-57.
  14. Ning Y, Shi X, Wang R, Fan J, Park CH, Zhang C, Zhang T, Ouyang X, Li S, Wang GL. (2015) OsELF3-2, an Ortholog of Arabidopsis ELF3, Intereacts with the E3 Ligase APIP6 and Negatively Regulates Immunity against Magnaporthe oryzae in Rice. Molecular Plant. 8(11):1679-82.
  15. Shirsekar GS, Vega-Sanchez ME, Bordeos A, Baraoidan M, Swisshelm A, Fan J, Park CH, Leung H, Wang GL. (2014) Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of spl11- mediated cell death in rice. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 27(6):528-36.


Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng