


  Tenure-Track association professor

  Department of Food Science and Engineering

  Tel: +86-21-34208217



  Room 211, Building of Agriculture Science Innovation,

  Dongchuan Road 800, Minhang   District, 200240 Shanghai, China




Research Interests

Why are we aging? Why does aging cause a lot of diseases? Can we slow aging? These are some of the greatest unsolved questions in biology. Aging and anti-aging is now a fast-developing field. My research interesting focuses on study of biological aging. Specifically, I aim to explore the following three research areas: (1) Nutrients and longevity; (2) Innate immunity and aging; (3) Metabolism and aging. I have a dream that one day I can develop a powerful longevity food product for human.





2019 – Present: Associate Professor, PI, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2014 – 2019: Research Fellow in Medicine, Joslin Diabetes Center / Harvard Medical School

2009 – 2014: PhD, Food Science & Technology, National University of Singapore

2006 – 2009: MS, Crop Genetics and Breeding, Hainan University

2002 – 2006: BS, Biotechnology, Minor in Computer Science & Technology, Hainan University




Selected Publications

​​​​​1.Wu Z, Isik M, Moroz N, Steinbaugh MJ, Zhang P and Blackwell TK. Dietary restriction extends lifespan through metabolic regulation of innate immunity. Cell Metabolism, 2019, 29(5), 1192-1205.

  • Research Highlight: Starling S. Longevity is innate. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2019, 15(6), 317.
  • Spotlight: Wani KA, Goswamy D, Irazoqui JE. A Nutrition-Longevity Tradeoff Enforced by Innate Immunity. Molecular Cell, 2019, 74(5), 864-865.
  • F1000Prime recommendations: Pankaj Kapahi, In F1000Prime, 05 Apr 2019; 10.3410/f.735381198.793558347
  • F1000Prime recommendations: Dongsheng Cai, In F1000Prime, 07 May 2019; 10.3410/f.735381198.793559526
  • F1000Prime recommendations: Thomas Flatt, In F1000Prime, 11 Oct 2019; 10.3410/f.735381198.793565851

2.Wu Z, Senchuk MM, Dues DJ, Johnson BK, Cooper JF, Lew L, Machiela E, Schaar CE, DeJonge H, Blackwell TK and Van Raamsdonk JM. Mitochondrial unfolded protein response transcription factor ATFS-1 promotes longevity in a long-lived mitochondrial mutant through activation of stress response pathways. BMC Biology, 2018, 16, 147.

3.Wu Z, Song L, Liu S and Huang D. Tanshinones extend chronological lifespan in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2014, 98(20), 8617-8628.

4.Wu Z, Liu S, and Huang D. Independent and additive effects of glutamic acid and methionine on yeast longevity. Plos One, 2013, 8(11): e79319.

5.Wu Z, Liu S and Huang D. Dietary restriction depends on nutrient composition to extend chronological lifespan in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plos One. 2013, 8(5): e64448.

6.Wu Z, Song L, Feng S, Liu Y, He G, Yioe Y, Liu S and Huang D. Germination dramatically increases isoflavonoid content and diversity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60, 8606−8615.

7.Wu Z, Song L, Liu S and Huang D. A high throughput screening assay for determination of chronological lifespan of yeast. Experimental Gerontology. 2011, 46, 915-922.

8.Wu Z, Song L and Huang D. Food grade fungal stress on germinating peanut seeds induced phytoalexins and enhanced polyphenolic antipxidants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011, 59, 5993−6003.




Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng