

   Gao Hongbo

   Tenure-Track association professor/Project Leader

   Department of Plant Science


   Address: Room511, Building B, School of Agriculture and Biology




Research Interests

We are interested in application of Single-cell and single-cell-type isolation, sequencing and multi-omics studies in plant research. Basing on these tools, we are focusing on three topics:

1. Developing new single-cell sequencing methods and setting up single-cell platforms on horticultural crops.

2. Studying novel regulatory mechanisms involved in recombination and transcription during meiosis.

3. Studying the mechanism and function of epigenetic reprogramming during development and cell identity specification



Lab website:

Lab members: 

Dr. Rongrong Xie (Postdoc)

Dr. Wei Xu  (Postdoc)

Ms. Jun Zhang (PhD student)

Ms. Hui Guo (PhD student)

Ms. Di Wu (M.S. student)

Ms. Yarong Cui (M.S. student)

Ms. Ying Zhang (M.S. student)




Lawrence, E., Gao, H., Tock, A., Lambing, C., Blackwell, A., Feng, X. and Henderson, I. "Natural variation in TBP-ASSOCIATED FACTOR 4b controls meiotic crossover and germline transcription in Arabidopsis" Curr. Bio.  Accepted


Walker, J*., Gao, H*., Zhang, J., Aldridge, B., Vickers, M., Higgins, J. D. and Feng, X. "Sexual lineage specific DNA methylation regulates Arabidopsis meiosis." Nat. Genet. 50(1): 130-+.   (*, joint first authors)


Hsieh, P. H., He, S., Buttress, T., Gao, H., Couchman, M., Fischer, R. L., Zilberman, D. and Feng, X. (2016). "Arabidopsis male sexual lineage exhibits more robust maintenance of CG methylation than somatic tissues." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(52): 15132-15137.


Gao, H., Metz, J., Teanby, N. A., Ward, A. D., Botchway, S. W., Coles, B., Pollard, M. R. and Sparkes, I. (2016). "In Vivo Quantification of Peroxisome Tethering to Chloroplasts in Tobacco Epidermal Cells Using Optical Tweezers." Plant Physiol 170(1): 263-272.


Wu, P., Gao, H., Zhang, L. L., Xue, H. W. and Lin, W. H. (2014). "Phosphatidic acid regulates BZR1 activity and brassinosteroid signal of Arabidopsis." Mol Plant 7(2): 445-447.


Griffing, L. R., Gao, H. and Sparkes, I. (2014). "ER network dynamics are differentially controlled by myosins XI-K, XI-C, XI-E, XI-I, XI-1, and XI-2." Front Plant Sci 5: 218.


Gao, H., Chu, Y. J. and Xue, H. W. (2013). "Phosphatidic acid (PA) binds PP2AA1 to regulate PP2A activity and PIN1 polar localization." Mol Plant 6(5): 1692-1702.


Mei, Y*., Gao, H*., Yuan, M. and Xue, H. W. (2012). "The Arabidopsis ARCP protein, CSI1, which is required for microtubule stability, is necessary for root and anther development." Plant Cell 24(3): 1066-1080.    (*, joint first authors)

Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng