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AN YUAN Professor |
Research Interests
Plant adaptation to aluminum toxicity at physiological and molecular levels
Rotation of grass and crop
Alfalfa production and utilization
Professional Experience
2006.08-present Professor, Department of Plant Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University
2003,11-2004,10 visiting scholar, Oklahoma University, USA
2000.10-2006.07 Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University
2009.01-2010,09 Associate Professor, Grassland research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1987.07-2008.12 Assistant Professor, Grassland research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Projects (selected from 2010)
Publications (SCI Indexed, selected from 2010)
1. Aimin Lv, Nana Fan, Jianping Xie, Shili Yuan, Yuan An*, Peng Zhou*. Expression of CdDHN4, a novel YSK2-type dehydrin gene from Bermudagrass, responses to drought stress through the ABA-dependent signal pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, Accepted
2. Shengyin Wang, Shili Yuan, Liantai Su, Aimin Lv, Peng Zhou, An Yuan*. Aluminum toxicity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is alleviated by exogenous foliar IAA inducing reduction of Al accumulation in cell wall. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2017, 139: 1-13
3. Wang Shengyin, Ren Xiaoye, Huang Bingru, Wang Ge, Zhou Peng*, An Yuan*. Aluminium-induced reduction of plant growth in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is mediated by interrupting auxin transport and accumulation in roots. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 1-12. doi:10.1038/srep30079
4. Xiaoye Gao, Dongyan Shi, Aimin Lv, Shengyin Wang, ShiliYuan, Peng Zhou*, Yuan An*. Increases in phosphorus availability and N use efficiency from the use of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) green manure in rice cultivation. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:36981|DOI: 10.1038/srep36981
5. Gao Xiaoye, Lv Aimin, Wang Shengyin, Su Liantai, Zhou Peng*, An Yuan*. Greenhouse gas intensity and net ecosystem carbon budget following the application of green manures in rice paddies. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2016, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10705-016-9797-7
6. Zhou P, Su L, Lv A, Wang S, Huang B, An Yuan*, Gene Expression Analysis of Alfalfa Seedlings Response to Acid-Aluminum. International Journal of Genomics. 2016, ID 2095195, 13 pages
7. Xiaoye Gao、Yuan An*,Effect of green manure on rice growth and plant nutrients under convetional and no-till system, Agronomy Journal, 2015,107(6):2335-2346
8. Chen, Lei; Liu, Jie; Zhang, Yaqiong; Dai, Bona; An, Yuan; Yu, Liangli. Structural, Thermal, and Anti-inflammatory Properties of a Novel Pectic Polysaccharide from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Stem. Journal of agriculturtal and food chemistry, 2015, 63(12):3219-3228
9. Yuan An, Peng Zhou, and Jinfeng Liang. Effects of exogenous application of abscisic acid on membranenstability, osmotic adjustment, photosynthesis and hormonal status of two lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes under high temperature stress and drought stress. Crop & Pasture Science, 2014, 65, 274–286
10. Yuan An, Peng Zhou, Qiu Xiao, and Dongyan Shi. Effects of foliar application of organic acids on alleviation of aluminum toxicity in alfalfa. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2014, 177, 421–430
11. Peng Zhou, Fang Yang, Xiaoyan Ren, Bingru Huang, Yuan An*. Phytotoxicity of aluminum on root growth and indole-3-acetic acid accumulation and transport in alfalfa roots. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2014, 104( 8):1–8
12. Zhou, Peng; An, Yuan; Wang, Zhaolong; Du, Hongmei; Huang, Bingru. Characterization of Gene Expression Associated with Drought Avoidance and Tolerance Traits in a Perennial Grass Species. PLOS ONE,2014,9(8),http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0103611
13. Qiang He, Baoshan Cui,Mark D. Bertness, Yuan An*. Testing the importance of plant strategies on facilitation using congeners in a coastal community. Ecology, 2012, 93(9):2023–2029
14. Qiang He, Fanyi Chen, Baoshan Cui, Yuan An*. Multi-scale segregations and edaphic determinants of marsh plant communities in a western Pacific estuary. Hydrobiologia, 2012, 696:171–183
15. He, Qiang; Cui, Baoshan; An, Yuan. Physical Stress, Not Biotic Interactions, Preclude an Invasive Grass from Establishing in Forb-Dominated Salt Marshes. PLOS ONE,2012,7(3),http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0033164
16. Qiang He, Baoshan Cui, Yuan An*. The importance of facilitation in the zonation of shrubs along a coastal salinity gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2011, 22:828–836
17. Cui, Bao-shan; He, Qiang; An, Yuan*. Spartina alterniflora invasions and effects on crab communities in a western Pacific estuary, Ecological engineering, 2011, 37(11):1920-1924
18. Cui, Baoshan*;He, Qiang; An, Yuan*. Community Structure and Abiotic Determinants of Salt Marsh Plant Zonation Vary Across Topographic Gradients. Estuaries and coasts, 2011,34(3):459-469
*: Corresponding Author
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng