Normal Semester Exchange Programs (Spring semester and Fall semester)
Introduction of Exchange Programs:
Normal Exchange Program (which is offered in spring and fall semester) only accept international students from partner universities and students should be nominated by the program coordinator of the home university.
Please check with your home university to see if it has any student exchange program agreement with SJTU. If yes, you may choose to attend all courses at SJTU except for restrictions stated in the agreement.
Application procedures for the Normal Exchange Program:
Program coordinator from partner universities will nominate students in the nomination system. Nominees will receive an application link through which they can complete the online applications.
Soft reminder:
Please do not use Gmail & Hotmail as your nomination and sign-in email.
IE and Chrome are recommenced for online application.
Necessary Documents for online application:
Copy of information page of your valid passport
Official transcripts
Recommendation from the student's Home University
CV/resume of the applicant
An ID photo (28 mm×22 mm)
Application Deadline:
Fall semester: April 30
Spring semester: November 15
Useful Documents:
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Fact Sheet 2016-17.pdf
Year 2015 Fall English Taguht Courses Information for Postgraduates.pdf
Exchange Nomination Guidance:
University Level Exchange Nomination Guidance.pdf
School Level Exchange Nomination Guidance.pdf
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng