








涂晓雨,4688美高梅集团唯一博士生导师,独立课题组长。博士毕业于香港中文大学,曾于美国康奈尔大学Boyce Thompson Institute访学。以第一/通讯作者在Molecular Plant、Nature Communications(3篇)、Plant Communications等期刊发表论文,其中3篇入选ESI高被引、2篇被评为热点。近年来主持国家自然科学基金委国际(地区)合作研究项目、面上项目、青年科学基金项目(C类),交大2030计划项目(C类)等;入选上海市领军(海外)青年人才计划、上海市农业科技创新人才培育(春蕾)计划等。现任Physiologia Plantarum期刊handling editor,承担本科生《生物信息学》课程教学。




  1. C4光合基因的动态调控网络与细胞分工;
  2. 光合基因跨物种调控的适应性进化;
  3. 作物高光效合成的调控策略工程设计及应用。



  1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作研究项目,2025-2028
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027
  3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(C类),2022-2024
  4. 上海市农业科技创新项目,2024-2026
  5. 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目课题,2024-2026
  6. 交大2030计划(C类)项目,2024-2025


论文发表, co-first; *, corresponding; in bold, Tu lab members)

  1. Zhao, C., Yang, J., Ni, A., Chen, H., Su, H., Cheng, Y., Li, X., Zhong, L., Fang, D., Sun, H., Yi, J., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Ming-ju A.L., Ni, X., Chen, L., Li, H., Yu, G., Wang, Y., Chen, R., Yu, H., Shao, W., Sun, H., Bai, Y., Li, C., Dong, Y., Zou, C., Tu, X., Ma, S., Guo, X., Zhang, G., Wang, P., Liu, H., Wei, T., Gu, Y., Zhu, X., Xu, X.; Comparative spatiotemporal single cell transcriptomes reveal rewiring of pre-existing regulations during emergence of Kranz anatomy in C4 grasses; bioRxiv
  1. Zhu, Y., Ngan, H., Zhu, T., Nan, L., Li, W., Xiao, Y., Zhuo, L., Chen, D., Tu, X., Gao, K., Yan, J., Zhong, S., Yang, N.; Pan-cistrome analysis of the leaf accessible chromatin regions of 214 maize inbred lines; bioRxiv
  1. Yan, H., Mendieta, J.P., Zhang, X., Liang, Y., Luo, Z., Marand, A.P., Wang Y., Tu, X., Zhong, S., Wessler, S.R., Schmitz, R.J.*; Evolution of plant cell-type-specific cis-regulatory elements; bioRxiv
  1. Mendieta, J.P., Tu, X., Jiang, D., Yan, H., Zhang, X., Marand, A.P., Zhong, S., Schmitz, R.J.*; Investigating the cis-regulatory basis of C3 and C4 photosynthesis in grasses at single-cell resolution; PNAS, 2024, 121(40):e2402781121
  1. Tu, X., Ren, S., Shen, W., Li, J., Li, Y., Li, C., Li, Y., Zong, Z., Xie, W., Grierson, D., Fei, Z., Giovannoni, J., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; Limited conservation in cross-species comparison of GLK transcription factor binding suggested wide-spread cistrome divergence; Nature Communications, 2022, 13:7632 (Nature Communications featured articlehttp://www/nature.com/subjects/plant-genetics/ncomms)
  1. Zhang, Y., Ma, M., Liu, M., Sun, A., Zheng, X., Liu, K., Yin, C., Li, C., Jiang, C.*, Tu, X.* (co-corresponding), Fang, Y.*; Histone H2A monoubiquitination marks are targeted to specific sites by cohesin subunits in Arabidopsis; Nature Communications, 2023, 14:1209 (Nature Communications featured articlehttp://www/nature.com/subjects/plant-evolution/ncomms)
  1. Tu, X., Marand, A.P., Schmitz, R.J.*, Zhong, S.*; A combinatorial indexing strategy for low-cost epigenomic profiling of plant single cells; Plant Communications, 2022, 3:100308
  1. Dai, X., Tu, X. (co-first), Du, B., Dong, P., Sun, S., Wang, X., Sun, J., Gang, L., Lu, T.*, Zhong, S.*, Li, P.*; Chromatin and regulatory differentiation between bundle sheath and mesophyll cells in maize; Plant Journal, 2022, 109(3):675-692
  1. Sun, A., Yin, C., Ma, M., Zhou, Y., Zheng, X., Tu, X., Fang, Y.; Feedback regulation of auxin signaling through the transcription of H2A.Z and deposition of H2A.Z to SMALL AUXIN UP RNAs in Arabidopsis; New Phytologist, 2022, 236(5):1721-1733
  1. Wang, X., Wang, X.*, Sun, S., Tu, X., Lin, K., Qin, L., Wang, X., Li, G.*, Zhong, S.*, Li, P.*; Characterization of regulatory modules controlling leaf angle in maize; Plant Physiology, 2022, 190(1):500-515

Before SJTU

  1. Tu, X., Mejía-Guerra, M.K.†*, Valdes Franco, J.A., Tzeng, D., Chu, P., Shen, W., Wei, Y., Dai, X., Li, P.*, Buckler, E.S., Zhong, S.*; Reconstructing the maize leaf regulatory network using ChIP-seq data of 104 transcription factors; Nature Communications, 2020, 11:5089
  1. Dong, P., Tu, X. (co-first), Li, H., Zhang, J., Grierson, D., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; Tissue-specific Hi-C analyses of rice, foxtail millet and maize suggest non-canonical function of plant chromatin domains; Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2020, 62(2):201-217
  1. Dong, P., Tu, X., Liang, Z., Kang, B., Zhong, S.*; Plant and animal chromatin three-dimensional organization: similar structures but different functions; Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71(17):5119-5128
  1. Dai, X., Xu, Z., Liang, Z., Tu, X., Zhong, S., Schnable, J.C.*, Li, P.*; Non‐homology‐based prediction of gene functions in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays); Plant Genome, 2020, 13(2):e20015
  1. Dong, P., Tu, X. (co-first), Chu, P., Lü, P., Zhu, N., Grierson, D., Du, B., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; 3D chromatin architecture of large plant genomes determined by local A/B compartments; Molecular Plant, 2017, 10(12):1497-1509
  1. Ding, Z., Weissmann, S., Wang, M., Du, B., Huang, L., Wang, L., Tu, X., Zhong, S., Myers, C., Brutnell, T.P., Sun Q.*, Li, P.*; Identification of Photosynthesis-Associated C4 Candidate Genes through Comparative Leaf Gradient Transcriptome in Multiple Lineages of C3 and C4 Species; PLoS ONE, 2015, 10:e0140629


  1. 涂晓雨,李杨美汇,张优,李传顺,龙正标:一种基于染色质预富集的高效植物ChIPmentation方法,申请号:2025100973451














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