陈 诚 职称:长聘教轨副教授(博士生导师,独立PI) 所属学科:植物学,细胞生物学 研究方向:细胞器生物学 电话:021-34208413 电子邮箱:cgchen@sjtu.edu.cn 办公室地址:4688美高梅集团唯一B527 实验室地址:4688美高梅集团唯一B520
2006年7月毕业于沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院生物工程专业,获工学学士学位。2012年6月毕业于中国农业大学生物学院细胞生物学专业,获理学博士学位,导师为袁明教授。攻读博士学位期间,主要研究植物微丝细胞骨架调控植物细胞胞间连丝通透性的分子作用机理。2010年10月至2011年10月获国家留学基金委资助,赴美国加州大学戴维斯分校William J. Lucas教授实验室进行博士联合培养,主要研究蛋白质等大分子物质经胞间连丝进行长距离运输的调控机理。2014年4月至2019年10月在美国密歇根州立大学Katherine W. Osteryoung教授实验室从事博士后研究工作,主要研究方向为植物叶绿体分裂调控的分子机制。2019年10月底至今,任职于4688美高梅集团唯一植物科学系。入选上海市海外高层次人才、上海市浦江人才计划(A类)。
1. 叶绿体分裂的分子机理。将以拟南芥等模式系统为研究对象,解析叶绿体分裂装置组装、定位及动态变化的分子调控机制。
2. 细胞器与细胞分裂过程相互协调的分子机制。将首先从叶绿体细胞器入手,探究植物协调细胞分裂与细胞器分裂这两个紧密相连的生命过程的分子机理。
3. 淀粉体等非绿色质体的发生、分裂和分化的调控机制。淀粉体是非绿色质体中的一种,主要负责在细胞内长期储存淀粉。淀粉体主要存在于植物的根,种子胚乳(例如大米、小麦和玉米),块茎(例如马铃薯)和块根(例如红薯和木薯)等。淀粉体等非绿色质体相关的研究工作不仅具有重要的科学意义,同时也具有重大的农业和经济价值。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,主持;
2. 上海市浦江人才计划(A类),2020.11-2022.10,主持;
发表论文 (#第一作者;*通讯作者):
(1)Liu, M.#, Yu, J.#, Yang, M., Cao, L., and Chen, C*., 2024. Adaptive evolution of chloroplast division mechanisms during plant terrestrialization. Cell Reports, 43(3), 113950. (SCI, IF= 9.995)
(2)Porter, K.J., Cao, L., Chen, Y., TerBush, A.D., Chen, C., Erickson, H.P. and Osteryoung, K.W., 2021. The Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast division protein FtsZ1 counterbalances FtsZ2 filament stability in vitro. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296: 100627. (SCI, IF = 5.1)
(3)Sun, T., Yuan, H., Chen, C., Kadirjan-Kalbach, D.K., Mazourek, M., Osteryoung, K.W. and Li, L., 2020. ORHis, a natural variant of OR, specifically interacts with plastid division factor ARC3 to regulate chromoplast number and carotenoid accumulation. Molecular Plant, 13(6), 864–878. (SCI, IF = 12.7)
(4)Chen, C.#, Cao, L., Yang, Y., Porter, K. and Osteryoung, K.W.# (2019). ARC3 Activation by PARC6 Promotes FtsZ-Ring Remodeling at the Chloroplast Division Site. The Plant Cell 31, 862–885. (#corresponding author; SCI, 5-Year IF = 9.8)
(5)Kadirjan-Kalbach, D.K., Turmo, A., Wang, J., Smith, B., Chen, C., Childs, K., DellaPenna, D. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2019). Allelic Variation in the Chloroplast Division Gene FtsZ2-2 Leads to Natural Variation in Chloroplast Size. Plant Physiology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.00841 (SCI, 5-Year IF = 7.0) (Highlighted by Plant Physiology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.01159)
(6)Chen, C., MacCready, J.S., Ducat, D.C. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2018). The Molecular Machinery of Chloroplast Division. Plant Physiology 176(1), 138–151. (SCI, 5-Year IF = 7.0)
(7)Pan, R., Satkovich, J., Chen, C. and Hu, J. (2018). The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase SP1-Like 1 Plays a Positive Role in Peroxisome Protein Import in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 94(5), 836–846. (SCI, 5-Year IF = 6.5)
(8)TerBush, A.D., MacCready, J.S., Chen, C., Ducat, C.D. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2018). Conserved Dynamics of Chloroplast Cytoskeletal FtsZ Proteins Across Photosynthetic Lineages. Plant Physiology 176, 295–306. (SCI, 5-Year IF = 7.0)
(9)Zhang, M.*, Chen, C.*, Froehlich, J.E., Terbush, A.D. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2016). Roles of Arabidopsis PARC6 in Coordination of the Chloroplast Division Complex and Negative Regulation of FtsZ Assembly. Plant Physiology 170(1), 250–262. (*equal contribution; SCI, 5-Year IF = 7.0)
(10)Yoo, S.-C., Chen, C., Rojas, M., Daimon, Y., Ham, B.-K., Araki, T. and Lucas, W.J. (2013). Phloem Long-distance Delivery of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) to the Apex. The Plant Journal 75, 456–468. (SCI, 5-Year IF = 6.5)
(11)Chen, C., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L. and Yuan, M. (2010). The Actin Cytoskeleton Is Involved in the Regulation of the Plasmodesmal Size Exclusion Limit. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5:12, 1663–1665.
(12)Su, S.*, Liu, Z.*, Chen, C.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Zhu, L., Miao, L., Wang, X., C. and Ming, Y. (2010). Cucumber Mosaic Virus Movement Protein Severs Actin Filaments to Increase the Plasmodesmal Size Exclusion Limit in Tobacco. The Plant Cell 22, 1373–1387. (*equal contribution; SCI, 5-Year IF = 9.8)
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